Prolia Finder

Prolia Finder is an online tool that helps patients, caregivers, and health care professionals locate which pharmacies carry Prolia, as well as, sites that inject Prolia. The goal of Prolia Finder was to inform it’s users of content available to them with the intent on finding a location to receive Prolia.


In order to improve the site, we held a workshop with two of the best Prolia representatives in our region and listened to how they used the current tool. We accomplished a few things in the workshop. By going over our established personas and how they viewed the site, we confirmed that the site had two main issues. 

The site wasn’t user friendly and that resulted in confusion and lack of confidence. And secondly, the data it provided was often outdated and took too many steps to get to what you wanted often resulting in high bounce rates.


Over the next few meetings we worked through our proposed new sitemap and made some changes that helped flatten out this complicated experience. We also took an initial swing at the redesign by rapidly creating a prototype of how we could improve the user interface based on some of the sites our curated personas and workshop attendees used most frequently.

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The new Prolia Finder’s interface was simplified to focus on the search and what you needed once you found your location. The backend of the site was generated from input from the sites themselves and checks and balances were put in place to confirm submissions. The forms were reworked to streamline data entry.


These improvements were implemented allowing HCPs to spend more time with their patients and those patients could focus on their treatment.


The Prolia Finder redesign became very popular around the halls of Amgen, Prolia’s parent company, that the design structure was adopted for a sister drug as well as the main drug finder site


Humatrope Workshop